Railway Studies Association

Rail Studies Association at Rail Research Forum

CILT (Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport). The merger involved the Railway Research Association (RSA), and the result is the formation of a new entity known as “RSF” (possibly Railway Study Forum

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Define objectives and scope:

Communicate with Railway Study Association members and other stakeholders to gain their input and support for the transition. This may involve holding meetings, surveys or feedback sessions.

Develop a transition plan:

Create a detailed transition plan that includes deadlines, milestones and key activities. Identify the steps needed to dissolve the Railway Studies Association and establish the Railway Research Forum.

Legal and administrative procedures:

Ensure compliance with all legal requirements for dissolving an association and creating a new entity. This may involve legal documentation, such as articles of dissolution and articles of incorporation of the new forum.

Enrollment Transition:

Address how current Railway Study Association members will transition to the new forum. Consider membership fees, benefits and any other relevant factors.

Communication strategy:

Develop a communications plan to inform members, partners and the broader community about the transition. Clearly communicate the benefits and objectives of the new Rail Research Forum.

Website and brand:

Update the association’s website, logo, and branding materials to reflect the transition. Ensure that all online and offline presence accurately represents the new entity.

Financial Considerations:

Address financial issues such as transfer of assets and liabilities from the Railway Study Association to the Railway Research Forum. Develop a financial plan for the new entity.

Establish governance structure:

Establish the governance structure of the Rail Research Forum, including the board of directors, committees and any other relevant bodies.

Launch and celebration:

Officially launch the Railway Research Forum and celebrate the new beginning. This could involve organizing a kick-off event, issuing press releases and actively engaging with the rail research community here

Find out more about joining CILT here.


Clearly communicate the details of the merger to both CILT and RSA members. Explain the reasons for the merger and the benefits it brings to members.

Resource integration:

Assess and integrate the resources, expertise and resources of both the CILT and the RSA to strengthen the newly formed RSF. This may include combining research initiatives, publications and other relevant resources.

Enrollment Transition:

Address how current RSA members will transition to the new RSF within CILT. Ensure a smooth membership transfer process and communicate any changes to membership benefits.

Government structure:

Establish the governance structure of the new RSF. Define the roles and responsibilities of key positions, such as the leadership team, board members and committees.

Mission and objectives:

Clearly define the mission and objectives of the RSF. Ensure the new forum is aligned with CILT’s broader objectives, whilst incorporating specific rail research focus areas.

Legal and administrative procedures:

Ensure compliance with all legal requirements relating to the merger. This may involve updating legal documents, such as articles and bylaws, to reflect the changes.

Brand and identity:

Develop a new brand identity for RSF, including a logo and other branding materials. Update your online and offline presence to reflect the merger and formation of the new forum.

Event planning:

Plan inaugural events or activities to officially launch the RSF. This could include conferences, seminars or workshops to showcase the expertise and contributions of the new forum.

Collaboration opportunities:

Explore collaboration opportunities with other forums or entities within CILT. Identify synergies that can enhance the impact of the RSF within the broader logistics community

Member Engagement:

Actively involve RSF members, seeking their contribution and involvement in the activities and initiatives of the newly formed forum.


Clearly communicate the details of the merger to both CILT and RSA members. Explain the reasons for the merger and the benefits it brings to members.

Resource integration:

Assess and integrate the resources, expertise and resources of both the CILT and the RSA to strengthen the newly formed RSF. This may include combining research initiatives, publications and other relevant resources.

Enrollment Transition:

Address how current RSA members will transition to the new RSF within CILT. Ensure a smooth membership transfer process and communicate any changes to membership benefits.

Government structure:

Establish the governance structure of the new RSF. Define the roles and responsibilities of key positions, such as the leadership team, board members and committees.

Mission and objectives:

Clearly define the mission and objectives of the RSF. Ensure the new forum is aligned with CILT’s broader objectives, whilst incorporating specific rail research focus areas.

Legal and administrative procedures:

Ensure compliance with all legal requirements relating to the merger. This may involve updating legal documents, such as articles and bylaws, to reflect the changes.

Brand and identity:

Develop a new brand identity for RSF, including a logo and other branding materials. Update your online and offline presence to reflect the merger and formation of the new forum.

Event planning:

Plan inaugural events or activities to officially launch the RSF. This could include conferences, seminars or workshops to showcase the expertise and contributions of the new forum.

Collaboration opportunities:

Explore collaboration opportunities with other forums or entities within CILT. Identify synergies that can enhance the impact of the RSF within the broader logistics and transportation community.

Member Engagement:

Actively involve RSF members, seeking their contribution and involvement in the activities and initiatives of the newly formed forum.

The Railway Research Forum provides a forum for the exchange of experience, knowledge and opinions on topics relating to the railway industry.

Key aspects and benefits of a rail research forum can include:

Knowledge Exchange: Participants can share insights, research findings and best practices, contributing to a collective pool of knowledge in the rail industry.

Networking: Forums provide opportunities for professionals to connect, build relationships and establish networks that can lead to collaborations and partnerships.

Discussion on industry challenges: The forums provide a platform to address challenges faced by the rail sector, encouraging discussions on potential solutions and innovations.

Information Dissemination: Important updates, technological advances and industry news can be disseminated efficiently within the forum, keeping members informed.

Collaborative Research: Members can engage in collaborative research projects, pooling resources and expertise to address complex questions or explore new developments.

Policy support: Forums can advocate for policies that support the growth and sustainability of the rail sector, acting as a collective voice for its members.

Professional development: Events and activities organized by the forum, such as conferences, workshops and seminars, can contribute to the professional development of individuals in the rail sector.

Innovation and technology transfer: Forums are ideal platforms to present and discuss new technologies, facilitating the transfer of innovations within the industry.